How Yaba Is Trending Among Youth, Celebrities and Elites in Bangladesh

Oct 2, 2017 | Blog, Drug Addiction Treatment, youth addiction treatment

Yaba has overtaken opiates and hashish as Bangladeshis’ drug of choice, with soaring numbers of the young middle-class experimenting with this highly addictive drug. We look at how the rise of yaba is preparing to take its toll on Bangladeshi society. Sharelines The...

Benzodiazepines in Bangladesh: Is Your Anti-anxiety Medication Addictive?

May 15, 2017 | Blog, Drug Addiction Treatment, Prescription Medicine Addiction Treatment

Over-prescription and abuse of benzodiazepines like Relaxen, Easium and Azepam are rampant in Bangladesh and around the world. What is it about this anti-anxiety medication that gets users addicted so quickly? Sharelines How addictive are ‘benzos’ like Easium and...

Why Female Drug Addiction is on the Rise in Bangladesh

Apr 17, 2017 | Blog, Drug Addiction Treatment

A recent study carried out in Dhaka has found that the number of women struggling with addiction is on the rise. In this post, we’ll explore this trend and offer insight into some specific issues that women face in regards to substance abuse and addiction. Sharelines...

Why Do I Keep Experiencing Substance Cravings Even After I Have Stopped Using?

Dec 12, 2016 | Blog, Drug Addiction Treatment, Recovery

Substance cravings can continue long after you quit using, which can be discouraging for those in recovery. Empower yourself with the knowledge of why this happens, and what you can do about it when it does. Sharelines One of the most reliable strategies for...

Signs Your Loved One is Hiding a Heroin or Opium Addiction

Sep 12, 2016 | Blog, Drug Addiction Treatment

Heroin and opium addiction are rampant in Bangladesh, with frightening consequences including HIV transmission and fatal overdose. Would you know it if your loved one was hiding an opiate addiction? Learn its signs here. Sharelines Opiate addiction lends itself to...