"Drug abuse treatment plans not only help addicts detoxify in a safe environment but also assist them through all stages of the recovery process".

Treatment Choices

Treatment options for addiction depend on several factors, including what type of substance it is and how it affects the patients. Typically, treatment includes a combination of inpatient and outpatient programs, counseling (psychotherapy), self-help groups, pairing with individual sponsors, and medication.


Inpatient programs offer the highest level of treatment care, with medically supervised detoxification and around-the-clock care and support.


Certain medications can mimic the effects of addictive drugs, which relieves withdrawal symptoms and cravings.


Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) works by helping addicted people learn how to change their own thoughts and behaviors.


Outpatient treatment is an ideal option for people who are motivated to stop using their substance of choice, but require the flexibility of a program that will work around their schedules.


The basic premise of the 12-Step model in addiction treatment is that people can help one another achieve and maintain abstinence from drugs or alcohol.


Just as with other medical illnesses, early intervention can make a crucial difference in preventing what could become a lifelong and potentially disabling psychiatric disorder.

Treatment & Rehab

Recovery is possible


A drug rehabilitation program may officially last for only a few months, but rehab is much more than just a 90-day fix. Recovery is a process that evolves through a series of stages, and your growth in sobriety can continue for the rest of your life.


Some Things You Should Know Before Going to Drug Rehab

  • 90-Day rehab is hard work, but you’ll have a lot of support.
  • Rehab isn’t a magic cure, but it’s an effective treatment for addiction.
  • Treatment continues after rehab.
  • Take care of work and family obligations.
  • Tie up any financial or legal loose ends.
  • There is very little communucation with the outside world.
  • Your life will never be the same.


Why Can’t I Get Sober On My Own?

There are two big reasons to get professional help when quitting drugs or alcohol: ensuring safety during detox and setting the groundwork for lasting recovery. Rehab centers are designed to help you through every step of the process. Once they’ve determined your individual needs, they’ll create a customized treatment plan that is right for you. Some of the factors that go into your customized plan include:

  1. The severity of your addiction
  2. The type of substance you were addicted to
  3. The presence of co-occurring disorders
  4. Family environments and social circles


Life After Rehab

  • After completing detoxification and inpatient rehabilitation, a recovering addict will return to normal life.
  • Ones can pick up some drug-free hobbies recovering include: - Playing sports - Taking a class - Volunteering
  • Listing goals and specific steps on how to achieve each one.
  • Joining local support group meetings.


Know More AboutRehab


Choose your reliable group


Support groups can provide emotional guidance and support for addicted people when cravings strike.So find those people who also want a sober life.Have those people who can be with you!

Self-Help Group

In a self-help group, the members share a common problem, often a common disease or addiction. Self-help groups can occur in a wide variety of forms, from two individuals sharing experience and coping strategies, to small groups gathering in community meeting rooms, to large, incorporated organizations offering information, support and advocacy services.


There are several prominent support groups for addiction, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous,Cocaine Anonymous etc.Many people have become sober with the help of addiction support groups. However, support groups are only one part of addiction treatment.Members of these groups are of all races and religions and all that is necessary is to admit that there is a problem, that it is out of control and that you want help and/or support. Meetings are free and there are no membership requirements beyond a desire to recover, though for some groups, meetings can be “open” (anyone can attend) or “closed” (attendance is limited to people who want to stop drinking, using drugs, or engaging in the behavior the group is focused on).

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